Friday, June 7, 2013

Chistle your chest for a better look !!!

When it comes to chest, a chisteled chest will definately add up the fabulous look to the body. It is not about the size, but the shape and ripping. For ripping, you dnt' need to lift all the weights in the gym, but to strive with the technique.

The following routines will definately help:
Routine 1:

  • Chest flat bench [ 10-1] 3 sets; constant weight.
  • Flat bench flies[4sets, 12 reps].
  • Inclined dumbell press[3 sets, 15 reps].
  • Pec deck[ 4 sets, reps- 12, 15, 12,15].

Routine 2:

  • Incline bench[3sets, 12reps]  (alternate with) inclined dumbell press.
  • Declined bench[ 3 sets, 12 reps] (alternate with) declined flies.
  • Cable cross over[ 4sets, reps- 10,12,15,20].
  • Dips[4 sets, flat- 12 reps each].
  • Machine flies[2sets, till failure].

Routine 3:

  • Flat bench (super set ) with Close grip bench press [ 4 sets, 10 reps].
  • Heavy weight dumbell flies[3sets, till failure].
  • Pec deck (super set with) dips [ 4sets, 10 reps].
  • Incline bench (alternate with) Incline dumbell press[ 3sets, 12 reps].

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Right Formulation for Ripping

Now, when ever we hear about the word "ripping" , the first thing that comes in our mind is "shirt tearing body with all that killer looks, body to die for". Yes it is possible to attain such phisiq with some dedication and action.

There are few fundamental facts to be known to get a ripped body. And they are:
  1. Diet
  2. Exercise
  3. Dedication
  4. Suppliments(If the phisiq is either endo or mesomorphic type)
Diet is the prime aspect. It is not just dumping some food into the stomach. It is what you are really putting in to gain for the outlook. Addition of proteins and subraction of carbs is the basic mantra. Eating less i.e. intelligent diet for more times in a day will really help. There are a few things we need to ddo initially
  • Quit smoking and boozing.
  • Not being so sweet (Quit sweets).
  • No junk
  • Banning of aerated or drinks with added sugar
Following are the foods which are useful in gaining some good muscle and be synergistic in ripping:
  1.  Whey: Whey is a by-product of cheese making, formed when the cheese curds separate from the milk or cream. It is an excellent source of protein. It also helps in reducing or burning fat in  the body. Many fitness sources state that whey is also used as an excellent source of energy, and used as pre-workout drink. The best part of it is, it goes awesome with any drink mainly water or milk.
  2. Diary: Aside from the obvious bone-building and blood pressure lowering benefits of dairy, researchers at the University of Tennessee stumbled on a potential connection between calcium and weight several years ago. Dairy companies became giddy about this research and started putting "weight management" claims on yogurt products and in milk commercials.
    While some subsequent studies showed that calcium may help with weight management, others revealed that consuming calcium had no effect on weight.
    Clinical trial data may be mixed in part due to the study length or the fact that supplemental calcium, versus dairy products, was used in the some of the studies. Why does the source matter? Because dairy products also contain vitamin D.
  3. Green Tea: Green tea when teamed up with caffiene acts as the best energy expenditure drink. It goes pretty well even in weight management.
  4. Getting fishy: Fish (faty fish) is an excellent source of Omega fatty acids. These omega fatty acids helps in adding up of good and fat free body. Omega capsules are kinda must during abdomen ripping. They also reduce adipose tissue, most especially in the abdominal area. Studies have revealed that omega 3s upregulate the expression of genes that lead to fatty acid oxidation and decrease the development of obesity.
  5. Citrus Craze: Citrus is no less in loosing fat and weight management. It helps in shredding all the useless calories and helps in having a healthy skin.
Additional suppliments can be taken under a strong supervision of a doctor or a qualified physical trainer.

Workout Plans:
We have seen the construction materials, and now it is the time for building the temple called as "body".
Various muscle groups are to be concentrated in ripping the body. Workout plans like individual weight training; cardio; cardio+weight training; burning sets etc.. are the various types of exercises involved.

The following the routines for individual muscle groups.

1. Bench press(light weight) Sets: 3-4, Repetetions: 15-20
2. Dumbell flys(light weight) Sets: 3-4, Repetetions: 15-20
3. Pec deck : Sets: 3, Repetetions: 12
4. Machine flys: Sets: 4, Repetetions: 15
5. Dips: Sets: 3-4, Repetetions: 30
6. Machine press: Sets: 4, Repetetions: 15
7. Cable cross over : Sets: 4, Repetetions: 12

1. Shoulder machine press: Sets: 3-4, Repetetions: 15-20
2. Dumbell lateral raises for side deltod : Sets: 3, Repetetions: till failure.
3. Dumbell exercises: All the exercises or routines involving dumbells should be done with max repetions for attaining ripping.
4. Super sets and bun sets can also be performed.

[note: Biceps, triceps and abs workout will be given in different routines]

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Right Proportions

Proportions of the body are the important fact to be considered. Improportionate body is always an odd aspect. The proportions are brought by perfect distribution of weights on the muscle groups.

Lifting weights is not a task here, Lifting in the right way and with a correct count is pretty important. Alternate sets are to be concentrated more( done with two different hands such as dubless alt curls etc..).

Right workout plan: The workout plan or routine should be planned or executed in a right way. Every inch of muscle what has to be put up should be put up in a right fashion. The training done for arms should match with the training done for chest and shoulder, and sofor the lats. Arnold was the best example for this. He always said a quote " If I had to increase even an inch of pure muscle, i wnt just like that. I shall plan and execute in the right way so that i shall go with the proportions".

A week plan should be wriiten down and workouts should be planned in such a way that all the workouts of the upper body should be covered. Coming to the individual workouts, perfect count should be followed. All the parts of the muscle should be covered. For ex: In chest workout, the workout should be planned in such a way that upper, lower and middle chest is covered, untill unless it is a regular workout.
In this way, a perfect workout is thus performed and thats when you get a amazing eye catchy phisiq.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Motivation Videos

IF it is the motivation is the thing all you need to have a kick start, then here is what you need. Trust me, it is the best fuel for cranking your bodybuilding.

Pain is so close to pleasure !!

Raw motivation

If its the monsterous body all you want,then here it is...

Life of a bodybuilder
Now here is the ultimate motication video.....

........... The one thing that stands between you and your success is ...willingness to start ,courage to move forward and faith to finish..
    The one person who can tell you cant do it is you...sooo dnt listen to him !!! go ahead and jack it...

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lets get started and get rippdddddddddd !!!!

Now when we ask any youngster about bodybuilding...... The first thing they concentrate and crazy about is the Upper body. Right? So why shouldnt' we add upp some good workouts and basics for upper body before we actually get into the core.

 Now first of all a beginner should start with a few exercises which will add upp strength and stamina. It is the most important thing. Before we really go near the bench arena and dumbell rack we need to get a mat and perform some exercises.


It is a very effective exercise for the beginners and also for professionals. The above image shows the procedure and the way how pushups are performed. It adds up strength to the arms and enhances the stamina. It adds up all the good msucle mass to chest, tricep and forearms. It is an exercise that has to be performed everyday.

Bar or Dips

Now if you really want some "super stamina" , super shaped and chistled chest you really need to do this. This exercise adds up good results for chest, tricep, and even tones shoulder. This exercise is really a fantab one.

Pull upps

Pull-up is the best exercise to start with. It really works brilliantly on lats, arms, back and shoulder. The one stop exercise for everything. This exercise is performed in various ways(wide grip, narrow grip, bicep grip, single arm etcc.).

Dead Lifts

If you are after pure muscular body and you want it for ever, Its the dead lift you will be requiring like hell.
Dead lifts are generally called as compound exercises. Compound exercises are the category of exercises which stimulate the testesterone in the body and helps to gain pure muscle mass. Many people may perform awesome workouts and take good diet but still wonder why they are not able to gain the dense muscle? All the body builders does perform this exercise for sure to improve and add upp thich and dense muscle mass to their body.

Dead lifts not only builds thich muscle mass but also adds upp strength to the back muscles, and not only this, Dead lifts has tons of advantages. We shall see them now:
  • Deadlifts stabilizes your back.
  • Adds' upp posture.
  • Thickens the back muscles.
  • It will activate and stimulate the growth of trapizius, rhomboids etc.
  • IT burns a lot of calories.
  • It improves total body strength.
  • Deadlifts work many muscle groups in one simple movement: the calves, quads, hamstrings, butt, arms, core, lower/middle/upper back, traps, and shoulders.
Deadlift: The KING of Exercises

Benefits of Deadlifting:
▶ Deadlifts burn a ton of calories and absolutely blast body fat
▶ Deadlifts build massive forearm and grip strength
▶ Deadlifts improve posture
▶ Deadlifts build total body strength
▶ Deadlifts work many muscle groups in one simple movement: the calves, quads, hamstrings, butt, arms, core, lower/middle/upper back, traps, and shoulders

The Right Motivation !!!

body fff pain bodybuilding gym

Motivation is the phenomenon youwill need before you really start your fitness regime. Now here arrises one question, Why is that you want to be fit? It is always with the abiding passion for what they do. With such passion, motivation almost always comes naturally.
Passion is another word here. It is a hard word to define. What "turns your crank"
Passion is NOT need to achieve. Instead, it's a burning desire to exceed ALL bounds! It's NOT commitment to excellence, but utter disdain for anything less! And, it's NOT endless hours of practice. It's PERFECT practice! It's NOT ability to cope. Rather, it's total domination of ALL situations! And it's NOT setting unrealistic or vague goals, because doing so too often prescribes performance limits! Passion is NOT doing what it takes to win. Instead, it's doing what it takes to EXCEED! It most certainly is NOT force of skill or muscle. Rather, it's the explosive, calamitous force of WILL! If you believe in and practice these things, then for you, winning is neither everything nor the only thing. It's a FOREGONE CONCLUSION! But if, along the way, you somehow stumble, PROFIT from the experience! Then, vow, by the power of Almighty God, it'll NEVER happen again! So, you see, PASSION is all-consuming. That is what it takes to become a champion, and that is what it'll take for you to achieve your ultimate bodybuilding goals. If you haven't acquired passion, seek it first. Find it. Do not begin without it, for you will be severely limited in your quest for greatness.

  • One should not have the fear of failure.
  • One should be self motivating all the time.
  • One should be with a positive attitude.
  • One should be punctual.
  • One should be disciplane.
  • One should have the devotion towards fitness.